Alexi Murdoch In-store Performance @
Twist and Shout Records 07/17/06
Alexi Murdoch maybe the victim of his own success. He played an acoustic set yesterday at Twist and Shout with a pretty young crowd on hand. Quick Preface: He started out by playing in small venues in Los Angeles before being approached by Nic Harcourt from KCRW. At which point he recorded a demo and played on Morning Becomes Eclectic. Murdoch gained notoriety and started touring. In 2003 he was approached by Zach Braff to have his music showcased on the “Garden State” Soundtrack. Soon after that, the “OC” had his music on the show. I guess it’s kind of a mixed blessing because everyone just knows him from his music on the movie and show, but are completely unfamiliar with the rest of his work. He seemed to be in great spirits last night crackin jokes.
KCRW 2003

Alexi Murdoch-No One Understands.mp3

  • Alexi Murdoch-Don’tForget to Breath.mp3
  • KCRW 2006

  • Alexi Murdoch- Never Let you Down.mp3
  • Alexi Murdoch- All My Days.mp3
  • Alexi Murdoch- Breathe.mp3
  • Alexi Murdoch-Song for you 2.mp3
  • Alexi Murdoch- Dream About Flying.mp3
  • Alexi Murdoch-Untitled.mp3

  • By julio

    One thought on “”
    1. You know we can fix those pics with photoslut? I can show you. I can’t see dude at all..

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