Broken Window Fallacy
The broken window is from my car last week. Some punk kids threw some brick in the back window of my car and stole nothing. I was happy that nothing was missing, but the fact that I had to come out of pocked $400 was pretty upsetting. Upsetting in the same way I was last night. I showed up like a schmuck reporting for duty last night at Vinyl only to be turned away because somebody at the office dropped the fucking ball. I felt like such a jerk. I was totally that guy in line trying to get in by saying, “Are you sure I’m not on the list? Check again, I should be on there.” It sucked because I even called one of the guys in NYC that works for the magazine to wake his ass up and he couldn’t help. After that my friend and I decided to go on our own bar crawl of Colfax. In case you don’t know, Colfax is the scum of the Earth. It is notorious for crackheads, hookers , and all around bad people. What sucks is that there is a plethora of dive bars that are uber kewl. So I guess not all was lost.
Moment of Zen

The picture was taken in front of my house
photos by Sarah Q.

By julio

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