George Lopez::
Comedy Works::
12.14.07 ::

he last time George Lopez was in town, he was booed off stage for making some Los Lakers joke, which if memory serves me right, was the same time that Kobe was accused of raping a young woman from Eagle County. Mr. Lopez was not fond of the crowd and basically told the crowd to pound sand and that he would never set foot in Denver. Fast forward a couple years and here we are. George Lopez had a nationally televised sitcom canceled without notice in favor for a sitcom that had Neanderthals from a popular ad-campaign for an insurance company as the focus point.

This past Friday marked the triumphant return of the Mexican-American that is the most famous Latino comic in the world. Never mind Carlos Mencia, hes Honduran and his jokes are off-colored and poorly timed. The mostly Caucasian crowd (I say this because George Lopezs first comments were, Hello White People!) enjoyed the Latino driven humor, even though at times the language spoken was Spanglish. The Spanglish that is used is a must for any Lopez set, and he delved into his earliest material off of Alien Nation which was a

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. I agree. I find G.Lo to be brilliant and that Mencia guy to be … well … an unfunny loser. But white people and uneducated people like him (Mencia) and that seems to be all that matters these days.

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