Oakenfold Tonight @ Vinyl

Tonight my work sends me to Vinyl to see none other than the legend himself Paul Oakenfold. He is one of the first pioneers of club music in the UK after spending a mad summer in Ibiza in 1987 before going on to produce the Happy Mondays , Cure, U2 and a gazillion other acts. Before you go rolling your eyes, I want you to remember where you were and what you were on when you first heard Tranceport for the first time. It was kewl right, of course it was. The years went on and we all grew up but Oakenfold kind of went the opposite way. He had a hit single w/one hit wonders from Crazy Town that has been on a couple of commercials using “Starry Eyed Surprise.” I have never seen him in such a small venue. He usually spins at the Church, but I am happy to see him tonight. It has been years, so we shall see if he is reinventing himself. I have for you kids one of my favorite Oakie sets from years past.

Paul Oakenfold live @ Godskitchen – 12/31/00 mp3 File Link

By julio

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