Summer Movies or movies that were just plain monsters!!!

This summer has to be the worst summer in recent memory in regards to movie releases. Most of the releases are cliche at best and leave you with that bitter feeling in your mouth that makes you want to go back to the box office to get a refund, seriously, that bad, because there is no way that you will get those valuable 2hrs of life back. In the barrage of suckiness, I would love to include Xmen 3, Mission Impossible 3, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, and pretty much any sequel definitely shit the bed. Although, I would love to point out some gems that I was able to catch and the sad part is that I was able to narrow it down to three good movies. I was going to include Nacho Libre, but it was decent, didn’t quite make the “good” file.

and then there were 3-

Superman – The new man of steel proved that you can breathe new life into an aging franchise after Christopher Reeve. Lex Luther was portrayed by the wonderful and talented Kevin Spacey. His portrayal of Lex was on point and amusing. Lex’s wife is Kitty was played by a clueless yet witty “Miss Indie” Parker Posey. I felt the only misfire in the movie was the horrible choice in casting call with Kate Bosworh as Lois Lane. What an awful call. She isn’t brunnette for starters. Has no ounce of talent in her body. Lastly, I always felt that Lois was tall and slender, and not short like Kate Bosworth.

Cars – I can only think of 1 bad Owen Wislon film. I think it’s one that has Danny Glover and it takes place on a beach. I lasted a total of 6 days at the box office and was available for sale 3 weeks later. Other than that, he has a pretty good track record dating back to one of his first movies, Bottlerocket. The movie is the latest in a string of Pixar pictures that seem to clean house every summer.

Click – This is kind of a suprise that I’m going to write this down, but I am willing to go on a limb that this was the best movie that I have seen this summer. It had all the elements of a modern day Christmas story. Yes this idea has been recycled in a bazillion movies already. I was fine with that. It had a typical Adam Sandler feel to the movie will all the usual players in his movies. The movie had great meaning and super hysterical. The best part is that I had zero expectations and came out extremely happy. Not to mention the fact that David Hasselhoff came in clutch in the movie and proved to be very colourful in his portrayal as Sandler’s boss.

By julio

3 thoughts on “”
  1. It was also very entertaining because of the Austin landmarks, also they showed a preview of the new Gael Garcia Bernal and Michel Gondry film, amazing!

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