Momentary Lapses of judgment, or lack thereof

Currently listening to— M83- Before the Dawn Heals Us

Writing haphazardly on a late night feeling sorry for myself…. I have no real reason to be sad, I guess school is almost done, and I know I want to go to graduate school, but it almost feels like I am ready for that next stage in my life. The funny part is that for once in a very long time, I feel detatched, and part of it is because Tasha is no longer in my life. Its a weird feeling but I guess it is a direct result from anxiety or fear of the unexpected. It’s not a bad thing, we were horrible to each other, mainly me, we were good at fighting, so we got that going for us. On the upside my house has a new roommate. His name is Jeremy and he is from the South. Like as in Gainesville, FL….. I decided it would be good to have a pen pal/buddy from Mexico City and I chose her based on merit, when I say merit, I mean that she likes Cafe Tacuba, an amazing rock band from Mexico DF and loved her style of writing. I felt like when I was reading her posts, it was like reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez or something comparable, it was amazing, and her name is Mariposa, or that’s the name she goes by atleast, which is purrddyyy…. So here’s to hoping she writes back….I want to visit DF and would like to make some friends before I decide to head down that way. I had a lost of friends that were Chilangos when I use to live in El Paso, and they always made it seem so superior to any large metropolitan city in the world. I really hope so, because I want to make it there one day.

By julio

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  2. memories..what hurt more lose someone we really love..
    dont lose ur hope..everyhitng is gonna be allright..
    kisses to u stranger

  3. Hola, pues me decidí a escribirte y se me hace bien raro, no me preguntes por qué, porque no lo sé. Me alegro de que te guste como escribo, ya que no imaginé que llegara tan lejos lo que pienso. Espero seguir teniendo esta plática contigo, un abrazo, la mariposa de jade

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