I’m Back!!!

I made it back from my 72 hour vacation extravaganza and lived to tell the tale. I feel fatigued and happy to be back home. On my excursion to San Diego, we ventured down to Tijuana. Tijuana is probably the nicest bordertown these ol’ eyes have set sight on all time. It was cleaner and seemed well organized to its sister cities. There’s a lot of strip clubs here and I’m willing to bet that the stip club to Tijuana citizen ratio maybe 5 to 1….really!!!

Look, I almost caught a donkey show.

Good thing we walked back over the bridge.

I thought that this was a cool street sign that warranted some type of recognition.

The Arch from St. Louis is finally found in Tijuana!!!

A kewl shot from inside the Custom’s building on the way over to San Diego.

By julio

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