You and Who’s Army

I can’t say how nervous I am right now. It is 8am in San Diego and I have a belly full of butterflies. But in a good way. We are going to Tijuana , the beach, and our final destination is downtown to make it in time for the show. I found an oldie but a goody song from Pablo Honey that I doubt they will play, but you never know. It’s a live version of “Blowout” which is one of my favorite cuts off of Pablo Honey. I will try to get some decent pics, but my chances are pretty slim considering that I read that people are waiting in line as we speak. Until later….

Radiohead-BlowOut mp3 File Link

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. hey nice blog !! sorry if my english is not quite good, i’m from argentina.. i’ve seen you like stephen malkmus or at least you know him, am i wrong? i don’t know anyone who likes or had listened his music yet, you’re the first one. i’ll keep reading this blog! it’s interesting..!bye.

  2. jajaja, a pesar de haber ganado te puedo asegurar que sufri el sabado con ese partido y temo mas todavia por la seleccion alemana..!!! asi que nada, confiando en nuestra seleccion y en pekerman (el dt), tengo fe en que al menos vamos a dar una buena pelea.
    a mi tmb me gusta pavement, aunq primero habia escuchado algo d malkmus y luego a pavement, q no se cuando se disolvio pero supongo q habra sido hace unos aƱos. me gusta ese tipo de bandas bien under, aca ya te digo, no las conoce nadie bueno, me despido… mucha suerte, adios!

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