Tapes N’ Tapes @ Waterloo Austin, TX last week

I have been uber busy the last couple of days, but my homeboy Kovan made his way to the in-store for T N’ T and stayed alive to tell the tale. We caught them the last night of SXSW at the tail end of their set that was cut short due to a bar scuffle that we every so slyly came away unscathed.

Here is some of the footage from the instore-


By julio

3 thoughts on “”
  1. Hell yeah Jules, way to represent!!! …go see these guys people!!!….

  2. oh yeah i forgot that fight at that bar, that guy just popoyed-slapped the shit out that dude’s head..we were all forced outside from all the havoc..crazy, then i saw a a dude that apparently knew me, but i had no idea who he was,he was the bouncer their..random,oh well, good times Jules!!!

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