Let’s keep it real, Air isn’t going to be releasing any new music in a while. We’ll take what we can get, and if it means a concert in its’ entirety from 2016, so be it. Thank you to La Blogothèque for the amazing job at capturing one France’s best exports in the last twenty-five years. The video quality is akin to what you see in your at night when in REM with the dream like state production.
Air Full Concert – Live at the Niemeyer Space for ARTE Concert (BINAURAL SHOW)
1. Venus 0:00
2. Don´t Be Light 5:25
3. Cherry Blossom Girl 11:13
4. Playground Love 15:03
5. Radian 18:47
6. Alpha Beta Gaga 24:16
7. Talisman 29:24
8. How Does It Make You Feel 33:41
9. Kelly Watch The Stars 38:42
10. Sexy Boy 42:46
11. La Femme D’argent 47:29