In these tumultuous times that we live in, Tom Petty was one of the few things that all Americans could agree on without argument. The ex-Traveling Wilbury’s music is a timeless contribution of American art that’s as iconic as bluejeans and Apple (pie). It wasn’t only the music that Petty created that connected with us, but his video art form when videos still meant something on MTV. A “21 Jump Street” Johnny Depp was my first introduction to the leader of the Heartbreakers. “Into the Great Wide Open” played nonstop the summer of 1991 on FM radio stations across the country. The bar of rock and roll coolness was set highly after nonstop video pushing on MTV for this eleven-year-old in El Paso
There was something in Petty’s music for all of us. Hell, Cameron Crowe nailed it perfectly in “Jerry Maguire” when Tom Cruise’s character celebrates a proud moment with “Free Falling” down an open highway. Crowe perfectly captured the human element of jubilation in the form of song. For every human emotion, there’s a Tom Petty song that you can spin accordingly that fits that precise moment.
Tom Petty’s contribution stretched out to network television as well. “King of the Hill” nailed it when they cast Petty as a fellow beer guzzling buddy for Hank and Dale named “Lucky.” Presumably after one of his own songs.
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My graduating class in high school used a Tom Petty song as our “class song” in the summer of 1998. The very appropriate “Learning to Fly” launched us off into the adult world not knowing what was waiting over the horizon “Into the Great Wide Open” of life. I’m certain that any of you out there are hardpressed to think of a time in your life when Tom Petty wasn’t involved in one way or another, good or bad. They sure as hell don’t make them like they used to. Rest in Peace, Tom.