Two albums that shaped a lot of listening habits are getting the star tribute treatment this week. Everybody talks about the impact that “Smells Like Teen Spirt” had on everybody, but the video often gets a shoulder shrug. I found it to be impactful and just as import as the song itself. The single was released in late August of 1991, the start of my 6th grade year at Western Hills in El Paso (Roadrunners represent). One of my best friends at the time had “Nevermind,” “Ten” and “Blood Sugar Sex Magik” on serious repeat that year. I’ve never read anywhere if the release of the single was to coincide with the beginning of the school year and the high school theme of the video. SPIN has your download for the “Newermind” tribute album that you can enjoy over here.

The Strokes is another story. “Is This It” came on October 9th. It was to have been released on 9/11, however, the album had the track “NYC Cops” and essentially tore the department a new one in song. The timing couldn’t have been any worse due to the horrific events in NYC that day. Subsequently, CDs were pulled from the shelves and re-released in October without the track. I regret not catching them play at the Fox in Boulder, curious enough on 9/10. It was a time when I had issues going to places by myself. Something I would regret much much later, like when I didn’t see the Arcade Fire at the Larimer Lounge because I didn’t have anybody to accompany me.

The release of “Is This It” transformed radio play almost instantly from a time when bands like Crazy Town and Uncle Kracker were infesting the radio . The Vines and a handful of bands attempting to emulate the Strokes formula, and with the new “garage rock” movement in full swing, the White Stripes were given a nod. Stereogum did a fantastic job of putting the tribute together that you can download here.

Meat Puppets-Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana Cover) [mp3]
Frankie Rose-Soma (the Strokes cover) [mp3]

By julio

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