I have friends that go on tour and enjoy listening to their stories about being in a van for hours at a time, staying at Motel 6’s, watching reruns of “Friends” on DVD, and eating breakfast at Shoney’s five days in a row. One of the first things that I was taught in my Economics class in school was that in life, there is no “free lunch”. I believe I may have found the exception to the rule. Illegal Pete’s is announcing the “Starving Artists’ Program” that involves giving free meals to musicians that are on the road and touring the Denver/Boulder area. Illegal Pete’s is like a Chipotle, but tastier, better queso, and a full service bar. For those of you musicians that are on tour that are reading this, please contact: music@illegalpetes.com for more information on how to get your free burrito/quesadilla/tacos . Thanks to Suburban Home Records for the heads up!