The Futureheads are one of the few UK post-punk bands that are still alive and kicking from the earlier part of the decade that was heavily saturated with like sounding groups (i.e. Franz Ferdinand, Bloc Party, the Rakes, etc….).Only a few have survived and now the quartet are touring behind their latest album, “The Chaos” (buy here), and I have a pair of tickets and a copy of the release on vinyl to giveaway to one lucky winner. Send me an email ( or message me @Causeequalstime on Twitter and the prize is yours. This is the group’s first visit to Denver in four years, so it should be a good one.

the Futureheads-Struck Dumb [mp3]

with Young The Giant, The So So Glos
Saturday, October 9th @ Bluebird Theatre
(Doors: 8:00 / Show: 9:00; $12.50 advance, $15 door; 16+)

By julio

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