
I have a thing where I immediately become captivated by a performer that refers to them-self as plural. Such is the case with Merrill Garbus, aka tUnE-yArDs. Her ukulele that she gripped so close while strumming her songs was held as tight as Linus from Peanuts would have held onto his blanket. As focused as she was with her instruments, she mouthed her words just as passionately. Her winding loops that she records on stage isn’t a common technique, and the last time I saw somebody pull it off successfully was Andrew Bird. The walking D.I.Y. project  played as a great warm-up to Sunset Rubdown, and for those of you that missed her, she will be back a lot sooner than you think. She will provide support for Dirty Projectors next month at the Bluebird. tUnE-Yards’  album, “Bird Brains”, will be released via 4AD Nov. 17th with some bonus tracks.

tUnE-yArDs-Sunlight [mp3]



By julio

One thought on “tUnE-yArDs ::: Bluebird Theater ::: 10.23.09”
  1. […] had been by the Lion’s Lair here in Denver earlier this year, but it wasn’t till they opened up for Sunset Rubdown that I was able to see for myself on what the fuzz was all about with lead […]

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