::: Cut Copy
::: Bluebird Theater
::: 03.15.09
And the winner of best use with the smallest amount of space goes to (drumroll), Cut Copy ! The Cutters made it their night with the exceptional use of samples, lighting, and nonstop beats. The crowded house was so ecstatic, being cramped was an afterthought. Or even the sad state of the nation was an afterthought. For one night, all was forgotten. Nobody cared about how bad things were on the stock market. For the first time in a long time, I let all my worries go (Hakuna Matata playing) and watched as a fan. The night evolved into a massive sweaty spot hit after hit. I didn’t think that the guys had it in them to top the show at the Larimer Lounge last time around, but they came damn close. The euphoric evening put forth by my favorite Aussies collapsed the house when they played Lights and Music as part of their encore , preceded by their debut hit, Future.
Cut Copy-Out There On the Ice [mp3]
The Whitest Boy Alive vs Mylo vs Cut Copy – Otto’s Golden Journey (Andy Webb’s Dreamy Blend) [mp3]
3 thoughts on “Cut Copy”
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diggin the great pics on this blog. love the resolutions.
by the by…the mylo cut copy mix up is ridic….can’t find it anywhere else. too bad the link is expired, do you think you can email me a fresh upload? i’m at dmcgunsmoke@hotmail.com
[…] one of the best of the early year. The only one that I can think of that topped this one was the Cut Copy show. There’s probably a couple of others, but this is off the top of my head. Mogwai-The […]
[…] did everything in their power to execute one of the best performances this year since I saw Cut Copy at the same venue. Phoenix is riding on an extreme high since their release of Wolfgang Amadeus, a […]