Radiohead Wins Grammy
Plays w/USC Band


When I first read this idea of the USC marching band playing w/the group at the Grammys, I kind of eye rolled. After watching the video above, things sunk and made sense. I was reeled in and no string was cut. Thanks Ateaseweb for the video! Interesting twist to the night had Chris Brown and Rihanna absent from the performance. The cause, Chris Brown was busying getting himself into trouble by smacking Rihanna around and turning himself into jail. He posted bail, but both performers who were to have performed last night dropped out and instead, there was an Al Green meddley of sorts.

Radiohead-15 Step (Live Scotch Mist Session) [mp3]

Rihana-Umbrella (Total Bummer under my beat mix) [mp3]
Rihana-Disturbia (Jody Den Broeder Remix)[mp3]

By julio

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