Ben Lee

I don’t think he has ever enjoyed the level of success as the other Bens but he’s always had the Hollywood g/f and now fiancee (Ione Sky from Say Anything). The Rebirth of Venus is his ode to women and it will be released Feb. 10th. The crazy thing is that I remember purchasing one of his albums when he was signed with the Beastie Boys record imprint, Grand Royal.

Ben Lee-Catch My Disease (That’s The Way I Like It)[mp3]

The Rebirth of Venus Track Listing:

1. What’s So Bad (About Feeling Good)
2. Surrender
3. Sing
4. I Love Pop Music
5. Rise Up
6. Yoko Ono
7. Boy With A Barbie
8. Bad Poetry
9. Blue Denim
10. Wake Up To America
11. I’m A Woman Too
12. Families Cheating At Board Games
13. Song For The Divine Mother of the Universe

By julio

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