September 2008

Monolith Festival Journal I wrote a journal for the Denver Post Reverb section that you can read here.Justice-Waters of Nazareth (Erol Alkan’s Durrr Durrrr Durrrrrr Re-Edit)

Talk Like a Pirate Day And not the kind that you guys are thinking, sickos…. Shiver me timbers! It’s a pirate party! The Donnybrook Writing Academy presents: Talk Like a…

M83 Live on P4k PT II I’m green with envy. If I could only just go to one of these shows on this tour, I would be a happy man,…

ACL PICKS I won’t be making it to Austin for ACL, and though I wish I were down there for the weekend, I know my body would be begging me…

AMANDA PALMER She’s coming back, but this time as a solo act. The Dresden Dolls attract a pretty eclectic crowd, and as a solo act, I can’t imagine what this…

Ryan Adams & the Cardinals Call me crazy, but I have real high expectations for this one. Ryan Adams & The Cardinals will release a new album, titled Cardinology, October…

The Dears Moody Montreal kids are releasing their new album , Missiles, and what I don’t understand is that they moved labels…. Here’s an open letter on their site, P.S.,…

The Swell Art happenings can happen any other day of the month that isn’t First Friday , you know. WIN WEAR’S UPCOMING SHOW, THE SWELL, WILL TAKE YOUR SENSES ON…

Spiritualized Lots of Spiritualized news here. You can catch Spirtualized below from VBS on their Practice Space. Or if you live remotely close to East Los, you can catch them…