September 2008

Kinky Good news, Kinky fans!You can have a headstart to listening to the new Barracuda album. MTVTR3S and Kinky have teamed up to not only bring a small US tour,…

Matt & Kim The duo were just on Mania TV and Mountain Dew has them on their new singles Green Label Sound as the download of the week. Dang! Talk…

Walter Meego Remix I regret not catching them with Ra Ra Riot this past week, but this remix is tying me over, way over!Walter Meego-Forever (Van She Tech Remix)

The Black Ghosts The UK duo have their latest single, The Repetition Kills You, available today w/guest vocals from Damon Albarn. The album IMHO hasn’t nearly torn as many dance…

Wilco and Fleet Foxes In the spirit of the election season, Wilco, Fleet Foxes, and the A.V. Club have teamed up to give a little something back the American voters.…

Brighten the Corners In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a bit of a Pavement/Malkmus fan. The fact that Matador is re-issuing all of the old Pavement rekkids has held me…

:: Tonight Tonight:: I’ve thought I almost died a couple of times. They ended up just being panic attacks. I couldn’t imagine actually dying, let alone being resuscitated twice and…

Tobacco Black Moth Super Rainbow expatriate gone solo, Tobacco, will be releasing his forthcoming album, Fucked Up Friends, October 14th. I wasn’t to crazy about his first band, but this…

Excuse Me We haven’t had one of these in a while, but the wait is over. I can’t believe that today’s the first day of Autumn. Where did Summer go,…

Brian Wilson Giveaway Mr. California Sunshine, Brian Wilson, has released his new album, That Lucky Sun, and like a fine wine, he has aged brilliantly. Could you imagine living in…