Choose Your Own Adventure

No music here, but promises of great art.

Choose Your Own Adventure: An Exploration of Appropriation Through Collage and Cut Paper – Curated by Alexandra Terry

Denver, Colorado (August 25, 2008) – –
Choose Your Own Adventure explores the use of appropriated imagery through the work of artists Oliver Terry, Mario Zoots, Corey Elbin and Kristy Foom.
The four artists reinterpret established ideas and ideologies of popular culture and mass media through the use of deceptive détournement and appropriation. As a method of critique, appropriation allows the artists to question authorship and meaning through a re-contextualization of popular imagery. By reformatting the imagery we are bombarded with on a daily basis the artists not only question the original purpose of the images, they also incorporate their own personal relationships and histories creating an original piece. Concurrently the viewer is asked to reexamine their own pre-existing notions of the implementations of mass mediums such as magazines, newspapers, television and film, and their impact on contemporary culture.

Alexandra Terry was born in Denver, Colorado. She is currently on the MFA Curating course at Goldsmiths College, University of London.

By julio

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