July 2008

:: Tonight Tonight:: SoldOut! SCION , THE BOULDER WEEKLY , RADIO 1190 & MILLER LITE CONCERT SERIES Present GIRL TALK with TEAMAWESOME! This Show is SOLD OUT! Girl Talk-Shut the…

Telepathique The Brazilian duo ooze sex appeal with the least amount of effort. For examples, see above and listen below. Not as crass as CSS (but gawd, do I love…

Lindstrøm Where You Go, I Go Too, is the name of the newest solo LP from Lindstrøm to be released August 18 from Smalltown Supersound/Feedelity. You can purchase the album…

diplo This guy does not quit. He’s been touring for ages it seems now. He’ll be back in time for Halloween… Kanye West-Flashing Lights (Diplo Remix) Diplo Oct 27 Cervantes…

Dr. Dog I have their new album, but I haven’t had time to listen. Is it good? I caught them at the Lou Reed Tribute at SXSW, and they seemed…

Nomo Ghost Rock The future of experimental progressive electronic no holds barred jazzophilia is here. Their name is Nomo, and you may have heard of them. In my days of…

The Knew I had seen the Knew’s name everywhere around town, but always wondered who they were. I got my hands on their new EP, Boom Bust, to be released…

::Tonight Tonight:: Kinky Wednesday, July 9 8:00p at Cervantes’ Masterpiece Ballroom, Denver, CO Price: $20.00 – $22.00 Kinky-Presidente

::: Constantines::: Hi-Dive::: 07.08.08I missed out on Ladyhawk, and I would soon live to regret it. I’m sure their alcohol drenched spectacle was infused with tons of whiskey, and guitar…

Dear, Kanye Folky artist Ben Sollee felt the pinch so hard from Kanye, that he decided to pen a tune in response to the debacle that was Bonnaroo. RIYL Andrew…