Picture 111
*** Andrew Bird
*** Mile High Music Festival
*** Day 1

I had my doubts about about going to Commerce City for a music festival. I live in Denver. The only time I ever go to Commerce City is when I’m driving from my in-laws house in Westminster and we’re going to the new shopping mecca past Commerce City in old Stapleton. Now that we’ve established that the location sucks, the actual site itself is not bad, if you don’t take into account the parking. Food wasn’t a problem. Tons of local vendors, which I thought was great, but KFC, c’mon guys. You still had your $8 beer which will never change and tons of shade and high quality H2O stations which was good. It hadn’t hit 100 all Summer and of course the weekend the festival takes place, all of a sudden , “we got a scorcher.”
Andrew Bird did his normal thing of playing witty songs on a guitar with/or a violin didn’t let down. This particular show was taken place in a strategically placed tent that wasn’t too hot. I was starting to have flashbacks from ‘Roo last year where I caught several shows inside a sweltering tent and thought I was going to have to be taken out on a stretcher due to heat stroke or hyper-ventilation. Final thought, but does Andrew Bird kind of look like Jason Lee, pre-My Name is Earl.

Andrew Bird-Sic of Elephants [mp3]

Picture 065
Picture 030
Picture 104

By julio

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