

Where You Go, I Go Too, is the name of the newest solo LP from Lindstrøm to be released August 18 from Smalltown Supersound/Feedelity. You can purchase the album here or here. There are three tracks on the album that range from ten minutes to half an hour. He intended for the music to be listened to on an airplane, long car ride, or a trip of your choosing. I chose to use the long car ride, and found the album to be soothing journey soundtrack to the rough road terrain I was encountering (driving in the middle of the night is awful and something I don’t wish upon my worst enemy). The Giorgio Moroder-esque beats mesh will with Lindstrøm downtempo style of beat pushing. It’s not in your face and surely not being crammed down your throat, but just enough to keep you awake during the still of the night.

Lindstrøm – Grand Ideas [mp3]

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. Many thanks for this. There’s just something lovely about Lindstrom’s type of beats at this time of year.

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