
Sigur Ros

What can I write that hasn’t already been written or described the group already. The new album, which, I’m sure like everybody else, can’t pronounce will be released in a couple of weeks by XL (which, at this moment is amassing one of the best rosters I’ve seen in a very long time). How is it possible that a group that creates such beautiful music make such a profound effect on people without understanding one iota of the lyrics. Some of the songs on the new album Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust, just like any Sigur Ros album, make me want to cry for hours on end. The only difference is that on this new release has the group being a bit more accessible and upbeat. The album can be purchased here June 24th and you can stream the it here.

Sigur Ros-Gobbledigook [mp3]

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. If any of the posts on this blog deserve a comment, it’s this one. There has been no band, nor will there ever again be a band among the likes of Sigur Ros. And this new sound just ads even more depth to the giant pool of brilliance they’ve created.
    -Stephen UhOhDisco.com

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