The Futureheads

Their last album was a dud. I couldn’t listen to it, and I have been one of their biggest fans. I think I saw their FIRST US show in Austin a couple of years back (gawd I’m so indie, pffftttt). It was at Stubbs during ACL week, and it was in the indoor stage. For those that know how small that place is, do you feel me?! Their new album has more than made up for their horrible last album. Their new material doesn’t let up from beginning to end. Their is not one slow track on the album and the group really captures what it would have been like to be in the UK music scene in the late 70’s. I found myself pumping my fists in the air several times while listening to the new cuts. The album, This is Not the World, will be released May 26th and you can purchase it here. There’s a sleek remix of their latest single off of the album, The Beginning of the Twist (Atephoald vs the Futureheads) which you can download over at RCRDLBL.

The Futurheads – Sleet [mp3]

By julio

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