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*** Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks
*** Sunshine Theatre – Albuquerque, NM
*** 04.24.08

The six hour trip was worth it. Stephen hit the stage in pure slacker style looking like he just woke up and took twelve bong rips. It’s ok, I’ve come to embrace his underachieving ways. The Jicks are more of a band than a Stephen Malmkmus project with the powerful drumming styling of Janet Weiss , recording engineer Joannae Bolme behind the bass, and multi-instrumentalist Mike Clark. The group thundered through the new album in slacker ease and a great improvisational take on Real Emotional Trash ended their set. The Sunshine Theatre wasn’t too kind to the group with its concrete walls and floor causing the room to become a bassy swampland. Would I have taken the trip in hindsight, yes! The Jicks need to come to Denver!

Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks – Real Emotional Trash [mp3]

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By julio

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