*** Ghostland Observatory
*** Fox Theatre
*** 04.19.08

I was unable to make this show , but my good buddy Castro was there and he caught all the action. Here’s what he had to say: Ghostland Observatory rocked the house tonight at the Fox Theater in Boulder, Colorado. With a mix of Paparazzi Lighting, Robotique Majestique, and Delete.Delete I Eat Meat they brought high intense energy to the Boulder crowd who did not seem ready for what GLO brought to the table. Talking to a few people in the lobby of the venue before the show, the majority of the sold out crowd did not really have much background on Ghostland. Once the lights dimmed, the lasers turned on and the fog erupted all hell broke loose in this very intimate venue. With booty shaking, and hips twisting the crowd took in the sounds with nothing but admiration for this Austin, Texas duo. This was my third time seeing Ghostland Observatory and once again was left mesmerized by the intense live show they bring. We managed to secure a good spot dead center towards the back of the stage were we enjoyed the intense light show with pounding bass that filled the venue. All in all it is safe to say that Boulder, Colorado got what they deserved. I did not manage to get great pics as we were in the middle of a dance frenzy…but here is what I got enjoy.

Ghostland Observatory-Heavy Heart [mp3]

Ghostland Observatory-Dancing In My Grave [mp3]

By julio

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