March 2008

El Guincho::GvB Day Party-Peacock::03.12.08:: These show reviews are going to be pretty brief, for there are like 100 of them. El Guincho’s beat were as hypnotic as those posters at…

Lou Reed & Moby ***Fader Fort ***03.13.08 *** These two pictures pretty much sum up my day today. Current Mood- State of Shock 🙂Lou Reed-Walk on the Wild Side Moby-Alice…

Lou Reed & Moby ***Fader Fort ***03.13.08 *** These two pictures pretty much sum up my day today. Current Mood- State of Shock 🙂Lou Reed-Walk on the Wild Side Moby-Alice…

Day 2 Liver hurts. Sleep deprovation. Hungover. No more booze, for now…. I love the Beastie Boys photo that adorns the ginormous wall.

Best Thursday Parties According to …. Do512 is here to help you get your SXSW-on, wristband or not. Need help deciding which parties to attend? Below are the TOP…

Best Thursday Parties According to …. Do512 is here to help you get your SXSW-on, wristband or not. Need help deciding which parties to attend? Below are the TOP…

Times New Viking::La Zona Rosa::03.13.08 :: Too many shows to mention. This one was my favorite of yesterday. Their sound is as raw as the fish that you inhale at…