Sun Kil Moon

April is the name of the new album from Mark Kozelek set to be released April 1st. Coincidence?! Sun Kil Moon=Red House Painters and Red House Painters=Sun Kil Moon. I am grateful for Mark Kozelek. His music got me through a part of my life that saw itself in a dark tunnel. Winter is bad enough on the body and soul. I listened to anything Mark Kozelek or Josh Rouse. When I hear the music of Sun Kil Moon, it takes me back to when I hated love and reflected on life from the end of an empty bottle and countless cigarettes in an ashtray piled as high as a New Jersey landfill. This album conjures some of his best works and I don’t think I could have handled another album stacked with covers. Don’t get me wrong, his take on Tiny Cities Made of Ashes still makes me cry, but his public demands more out of him and the group. The forthcoming album, April, has Will Oldham , Ben Gibbard, and Eric Pollard lending their vocals to the album. Buy here.

Night in Bilbao [mp3]

By julio

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