January 2008

Goldfrapp Goldfrapp is known for lush electro goodness. The old adage, don’t judge a book by its cover comes into play here. The album cover denotes what could possibly be…

Poder de Gato This is for your friend Seth. He loves Chan Marshall. And rightfully so. Her voice is getting better with age. She isn’t so difficult anymore. She won…

Poder de Gato This is for your friend Seth. He loves Chan Marshall. And rightfully so. Her voice is getting better with age. She isn’t so difficult anymore. She won…

Upcoming Concerts!!!! Let’s go to the calendar! It’s calendar time! Calendar time for Buddy!HAHAHAHA!!!That’s one of my all time favorite quotes from Kill Bill 2. But seriously. The Larimer Lounge…

Upcoming Concerts!!!! Let’s go to the calendar! It’s calendar time! Calendar time for Buddy!HAHAHAHA!!!That’s one of my all time favorite quotes from Kill Bill 2. But seriously. The Larimer Lounge…

Stephen Malkmus & the Jicks We have the facts and we’re voting yes! The new Malkmus album has something for everybody. The new album has come full circle. At times,…

Monday Madness Okay, not really, but here’s something to ease the pain from DJ Marcos Efe from Brasil. Datarock – Fa Fa Fa (Total Bummer re re remix) Rihanna –…