The Arcade Fire Montreal 01-20-2007 I also came across this show with the band displaying mostly new material and some good banter. 1.Intro 2.Black Mirror 3.Keep the Car Running 4.No…

The Arcade Fire Montreal 01-20-2007 I also came across this show with the band displaying mostly new material and some good banter. 1.Intro 2.Black Mirror 3.Keep the Car Running 4.No…

Stephen Malkmus & the JicksCrystal BallroomPortland, OR01-20-07 Thanks to YLTFAN from the Jicks messageboard on the recording. The recording is flawless. Great new tunes, and the new album (hopefully released…

Stephen Malkmus & the JicksCrystal BallroomPortland, OR01-20-07 Thanks to YLTFAN from the Jicks messageboard on the recording. The recording is flawless. Great new tunes, and the new album (hopefully released…

Be Right Back… I was hospitalized yesterday afternoon and was out of commission. I learned some very valuable lessons and as cheesy as this sounds, never take the day of…

Be Right Back… I was hospitalized yesterday afternoon and was out of commission. I learned some very valuable lessons and as cheesy as this sounds, never take the day of…

Tonight!!! Tonight!!! Tonight!!! The Album Leaf & Constellations @ the Larimer Lounge!!!! The Album Leaf is James Lavalle,and labels the Album Leaf as a solo project. I am not very…

Tonight!!! Tonight!!! Tonight!!! The Album Leaf & Constellations @ the Larimer Lounge!!!! The Album Leaf is James Lavalle,and labels the Album Leaf as a solo project. I am not very…