November 2007

Help Wanted So, my cousin is going help out with a coffee shop opening downtown Denver, and she needs help, like fast. If you live in town, find yourself unemployed,…

Annuals::Hi-Dive::11.19.07:: I had a contest for the Annuals/Manchester Orchestra show last week, and Luke was kind enough, not only to go to the show, but do a show review. I…

Spitzer Is French musique still hot, or are we on to German techno….gawd, everything is moving so fast…..oh well, these Frenchie brothers are escalating the throbbing beats to proportions of…

The Raveonettes New Raveonettes!!! After the news about them releasing the upcoming album from Vice, we have some new material, album cover, and release news. The Raveonettes-Aly Walk With Me…