The Darjeeling Limited

Many critics have panned this movie already. Dysfunctional family, coming of age, etc…. Fuck it… Wes Anderson can change the scenery, characters, and the storyline a bit, and I would be a happy camper. I don’t care. Yes, it maybe has been material that has been explored in prior movies, but who cares. The characters are well developed and the subtleties are what really carry the movie. In the grand scheme of things, the movie ranks up there as one of my favorite of the year. I’m sure all you have caught Natalie Portman’s derriere, and what a nice one it is, but the newcomer is the character that steals the show, Adam Brody. I usually hate this guy. I want to immediately want to take a dump on this guy’s face upon sight, but this time around, he embraced his character wholeheartedly and it was felt immediately. The movie had less Kinks music that I had anticipated, but the Indian music was a warm welcome to the film’s mood that it was trying to set.

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. yes it was a great night on the whole,

    also, i belive his name is Adrian, just for the record.

    thanks for the tracks, i have been lookin for the one from Sarstedt for quite some time.

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