::Division Day
::Larimer Lounge
:: 10/07/07

I had a chance to catch up with the guys from Division Day on their first US tour and they are ready to take over NYC for CMJ. They have some interesting items in the works, such as having some possible remixes coming up and great covers that took me back to my high school years… Make sure and catch them, they’ll be playing a couple of dates.

Oct 17 2007
Underrated Magazine Showcase – Loft @ Bowery & Houston
New York, New York
Oct 17 2007
Canal Room (CMJ ASCAP Showcase)
New York, New York
Oct 18 2007
Union Hall – Residency Night 2 – Filter Presents
Brooklyn, New York
Oct 19 2007
Pianos – Planetary Showcase
New York, New York

By julio

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