Day 2 of Monolith

I got tons of great shots from Day 1. So far, the way the stages are setup are brilliant. Perhaps the best music festival I have ever been to, and no they aren’t paying me to say that. My only qualm is that anytime I want to leave the main stage to go to the other stages at the top of the Amphitheater, it requires a lot of stair climbing. Lets put it this way, my legs feel like jello. On the upside, Ra Ra Riot, Editors, and EAOD were spectacular! I will come back with pictures and pictures and pictures and some mp3’s next week. Today is going to make me lose my marbles. Art Brut, Spoon, the Lips, and on and on and on. I have to pace myself, because Day 2 is today, I think we might go to the Donkey game tomorrow, Arcade/LCD is on Monday, and Tuesday is National. After that, I want to lock myself in a cave and not come out for a very very very long time. My friend Jorge sent me this Youtube, and I almost died laughing. Enjoy….

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. I hear you on the stairs. I’m interested to see how I’ll feel after day 2. Great shows though.

  2. My legs aren’t nearly as tired as I thought they would be. We’ll see what happens with the first trip to the top, though… 🙂

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