July 2007

::Tonight Tonight:: Today has been a bit hectic, but this is going to set the Larimer Lounge on fire. THU 19SHOW: 8:00pm 21+ $12.00 / 12.00 DOSPURCHASE TICKETS11:00pmMAXIMO PARK10:00pmMONSTERS ARE…

Benzos The name would lead you to believe that I was referring to a vehicle of the Mercedes persuasion. Ones often mentioned in hip-hop or rap. However, Benzos is the…

Denver Post Underground Music Showcase I will be one of the sponsors for the the upcoming Showcase and this year looks like a barnburner!! Check out this press release:Denver Post…

Studio The vocal parts of the album sounds like early Cure (after Killing an Arab) and the instrumental parts sound like Out Hud. All good things,very lengthy tracks that plays…

The Chain Gang of 1974 Everything Absent or Distorted Meadowlark Bar 07/14/07 The girls from www.ElitistHipster.com threw down with their version of Bastille Day and the bands fully embraced their…

The NationalWhite Sessions05-25-07 I have never seen the National and the news of them coming here is HUGE. I found this and the sound quality is amazing on this show.…