Denver Post Underground Music Showcase

I will be one of the sponsors for the the upcoming Showcase and this year looks like a barnburner!! Check out this press release:

Denver Post UMS more than triples in size,
marries your mom, programs her VCR

DENVER, Colo. – Hear that? It’s the sound of an exploding underground music scene, complete with arson-quality accelerants and heart-shaped shrapnel in yr stonewashed jeans.

The Denver Post’s seventh annual Underground Music Showcase returns to South Broadway in downtown Denver on Sat., Aug. 11, 2007 with more than triple the number of bands and double the venues. Last year we wrangled 25 of the Mile High City’s most exciting indie rock, folk, electronic/DJs, gothic country, punk – you name it – into venues like the Hi-Dive, Three Kings Tavern and the Skylark.

This year we return with over 80 bands, DJs and comedians in a dozen venues, all for only $10 per wristband ($12 day of the show), which allows you to move freely from venue to venue without cover. We’re expecting 2,500-3,000 music lovers this year, up from the 1,000 that showed up in 2006. The best part? 100 percent of the door proceeds go to the bands.

On Aug. 5 the Denver Post will also run the results of its comprehensive annual Underground Music Poll, which queries 100 area critics, writers, musicians, label and venue owners to determine which act deserves the mantle of Best Local Band. Previous winners include Munly & Lee Lewis Harlots (2006), Matson Jones (2005), Dressy Bessy (2004), Planes Mistaken for Stars (2003), DeVotchKa (2002) and Sixteen Horsepower (2001)..

If you’d like to write about the festival, contact one of the nice people above. And please forward to his to anyone else that cares about local music…

A partial list of bands and venues is below.

What: 7th Annual Denver Post Underground Music Showcase
Why: Because rock is real and living in your basement
When: Saturday, Aug. 11
Where: Various locations, South Broadway
How Much: $10 wristbands at Sputnik ($12 day of show)
More Info: (up 7/20/07), or the contacts above

Hot IQs, Ian Cooke, Born in the Flood, John Kuker & Trevor Trumble (of Everything Absent or Distorted), Laylights, Black Lamb, Cowboy Curse, Machine Gun Blues, Porlolo, the Swayback, Tarmints, Dent, Signal to Noise, Jeff Suthers (of Bright Channel), Monofog, the Omens, D. Biddle, Frontside Five, Bela Karoli, Thank God For Astronauts, Lion Sized, Roger Green, Nathan McGarvey and Stephen Till (of Nathan + Stephen), Gregory Alan Isakov, Bad Luck City, Reverend Deadeye, Ghost Buffalo, Rachael Pollard, George&Caplin, Jim McTurnan (of Cat-A-Tac), Kissing Party, Magic Cyclops, Jim Yelenick, Big Timber, Vonnegut, Joe Sampson, Me Llamo Rosa, Walking Into Drawings, Stung By Bees, Bad Weather California, Pee Pee, Haley Helmericks and Doug Spencer (of Monofog), American Relay, Astrophagus, Mark Darling, Killfix, Patrick Meese (of Meese), Dualistics, Joshua Novak, Fucking Orange, the Wheel, Blue Million Miles, Widowers, Action Packed Thrill Ride, the Inconsolable, Married in Berdichev, Pictureplane, Ben Bergstrand (of Cowboy Curse), Jonathan Byerley, the Archive, Jim Cleveland and Eric Larson (of The Life There Is), Jack Redell, Eulalie, Paper Bird and others
Michael Trundle, Tyler Jacobson, the Postman, Dragondeer, Peter Black, El Brian, DJ Kate, DJs Nathan + Stephen, DJ Fancy Tiger, Jason Roth and others
Ben Kronberg, Greg Baumhauer, Maureen Hobbs and others
Hi-Dive, 3 Kings, Skylark, Irish Rover, Sobo, Sputnik, Third Eye Media Group Studios, Fancy Tiger, IndyInk, Pair-O-Dice Pool Room, Thrifty Stick, Kozo and other South Broadway clubs, taverns and stores.
Tuaca, Radio 1190, PBR, Create Denver, Gigbot, Morning After Records, Denver Kickstand, Third Eye Media Group, Public Service Records, Twist & Shout, Red Bull, Needlepoint Records, Lipgloss,, Marquee Magazine, Wrist Deep Productions, Monolith Festival, Comedy Works, Denver Syntax, Chielle, Skyscraper Magazine, IndyInk,
Cause = Time , the Denver Zine Library,, Smooch Records, Letter R Productions, Danceotron, the Brown Barrel, Th’Ink Tank, Kaffeine Buzz, and the Lab at Belmar,

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. You are so much more on top of things than I. Quick like lightning!

  2. Hey, couldn’t find a contact button, but wanted to let you know that Me (Marc Hughes, a.k.a. the Postman) and my friend Wigdan Giddy are having a hype party for the UMS (and other fun stuff) on August 4th at the Hi-Dive. Would love to have you down to hype up the event and your blog. There aren’t enough ones hyping Denver stuff.

    Here’s the myspace post so far…
    Strap on your dancing shoes! Break out the track suits! Pull up you leg warmers! Its freakin on!!! the Postman, Wigdan and special guests are throwin down the ass shakin sounds to drive you through the rest of your summer! The kids from Illegal Fun – dbom & AVJ Gab – will also be rockin your optic nerves as the tunes assault your ears!
    *New Updates* Get super hype because…
    1. Plastic Chapel and Indyink will wander their party across the street and bring the hype of awesome art and toys to the party!
    2. Hi-Dive will be droping down some swag (which includeds some Denver Post Underground Music Showcase wristbands)

    Saturday August 4th @ the Hi-Dive! 9pm $3 / $1 if you hit up the Skate Deck Show!

    Keep up the awesome work!
    [email protected]

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