
More Canadian news. Metric, the band otherwise known as the one with the really smoking hot girl Emily Haines as lead singer, will be releasing Grow UP and Blow Away June 26th and it can be purchased here. The album , when compared to their previous efforts, was slowed down immensely. It felt that at times they were put into neutral, because the bulk of their music is usually in fifth gear at all times. It still has the elements that you would expect from a Metric album, but just not as much.

Metric-On the Sly[mp3]

By julio

3 thoughts on “”
  1. I was confused at first because I already own this album. But, I called a friend who is way crazier for Metric than I. And since this is their first album which was never released (the one I originally liked them for) wouldn’t it be the newer stuff that is different? And on the note of her being super hot. I was on tour in Canada with a friend’s band like two or so years ago and their promoter in the town we were in had just hosted them a couple days ago and went to lunch with them. And my fear of her was confirmed when we asked if she was hot in person and we all said at the same moment, “she has a weird chin”.

  2. That album was put out in 2000 or something like that it just wasn’t promoted as much as old world underground so it’s a re release

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