
This album is something I have been quietly enjoying for the past month. The album, aside from sharing the name from one of my favorite Depeche Mode songs, are moody rocker revivalists from DC that I have yet to figure out. What makes them so dark and anthemic is the violin and piano surging at the same points as the ominous lyrics. Most people are comparing them to early 80’s outfits i.e. Bauhaus or early U2, but I don’t see a correlation, but I do see a comparison to the National in the way both lead singers have that distinct voice that carries well over a a room full of smoke.

City-State – Great Lakes[mp3]

City-State – Invincible Summer (Brownstone Megaphone Remix)[mp3]

Stream: MySpace
Order: Liberty Fuse Records Amazon
Download: iTunes eMusic Napster

By julio

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