
It’s crazy how things work. Tomorrow is the Rosebuds/Land of Talk tour, and a little bird told sent me a message in the form of a Bowerbird . The bands are mutual friends (they were just on tour), and they hail from the same part of the country. Their music is a three part harmony at times, plenty of acoustic guitar, and lead vocals has a voice reminiscent of Andrew Bird. At times you will hear an accordion, a tambourine, and poignant lyrics. The name of their forthcoming album is Hymns for a Darkhorse and it will be released July 10th and you can purchase it here. This is my favorite part taken from their Myspace page , genius:

The male crestless bowerbird is completely drab. His plumage is indistinguishable from the female’s. His bower has therefore grown more elaborate to take the place of colorful feathers. He gathers insect skeletons, shells, seeds and charcoal, and arranges them in neat piles in his bower. While bobbing about to attract the female, he holds a colorful object, usually a flower, in his bill.

Bowerbirds-Darkhorse [mp3]
Bowerbirds-In Our Talons [mp3]

By julio

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