Girl Talk
Bluebird Theatre
I last caught up with Girl Talk at the Diesel Party during SXSW and I was left unimpressed. My wife listened to him, and wanted to dance, so you give a little take a little, and we ended up going Friday night. The pictures speak for themselves. It’s a progression from start to finish. In summation, this shit is bananas ,B-A-N-A-N-A-S! We had a great time, the crowd lost it, and this was an entirely different experience. The only thing that came to mind was, “This shit is LIVE!”

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. Blue that I could not see this show, it looks amazing! Thanks for the pics!

    Missed Girl Talk as I was en route to Sasquatch (my pics and video of Bjork and Arcade Fire here). Well worth the plane fare to Seattle. Crossing my fingers that Monolith will be as awesome.

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