Black Tie Dynasty

Avid readers of this little corner of the INTRAWEB, will know for my deep affinity for cheezy 80’s music and any other group that may carry the torch. Black Tie Dynasty is a group from Dallas that was brought to my attention asking if I had any of their music or listened to them. I had not, and I was willing to do a little digging and here are my findings. The music can be best compared to that of the Fixx due to it’s dark sentiments but not too dark. There is some love to be found in the music and for you lucky kids that live in Austin, tonight is the night. I rarely do this, cheer lead for an event in a different state, but being some of my friends live in Tejas, here you go, oh yeah, before I forget, you can buy their album Movements here and holla at them on their MySpace:

May 24 2007
Mohawk-w/ DJ set by Andy Rourke(of The Smiths)
Austin, Texas

The guys will be playing starting roughly around 10ish, so be there….

Black Tie Dynasty-I Like You [mp3]
Black Tie Dynasty-Die [mp3]

and here’s the video to I Like U:

By julio

One thought on “”
  1. Nice tunes from a band that reminds me of echo and the bunnymen. Could you also post the more catchy “bells”? I think this band deserves more exposure.

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