Power,Corruption,& Lies

I have been avoiding this news all weekend. It is time for me to deal with it and this is the only way I know how to deal. It may seem trivial, however, my favorite group of all time has called it quits, atleast for the meantime. Not sure what that means, but, it kind of sound definitive. Decide for yourself by reading here . One of my things to do before I die, was seeing New Order. I would give up years of concert going just to see them play once. Even it isn’t in their prime, Hooky’s pushing 60 and Bernard is around the same age. I have their music in the most important parts of my life. It kind of sucker punched me, right in the gut. So is life, and if this news turns out to be false, or just temporary, I would be a happy man today!
New Order Farewell Mix, Maybe?
New Order-Ceremony[mp3] (my favorite New Order song, all time)

By julio

6 thoughts on “”
  1. Barney and Hookey were both 51 earlier this year – hardly pushing 60! I agree it’s sad that they can’t make great music together anymore – maybe one day?

  2. New Order was the first concert I went to as a teenager in 1989. The Sugarcubes & PiL opened for them. What a memorable night.

  3. I saw New Order for the first time on that same tour–it was an incredible show. It was also my first concert, and by far one of my favourites of all time.

  4. i’m soooo jealous. i was a little upset that on their last tour that they were playing with the chemical brothers and i should have and could have made the trip to see them, doh! i was exaggerating about their age, i was just trying to make myself better…..

  5. ceremony is not only my favorite new order song as well, its in my top 5 ever

  6. same here., also saw that tour
    and their first us date ever.

    i have the tickets stubbs somewhere online. I saw them at coachella a few years ago and it made me want to cry. It was so far from what my memories wanted it to be

    then i ran into hook dj’ing at a sneaker store here in soho (nyc)
    then for sure I knew

    you can’t go home again

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