
What a great concept! All those useless demos and outtakes from your favorite band and turn them into an ongoing series of mail-order Cd’s. I like to hear the progressions or earlier interpretations of songs, and this is an ongoing series brought to us by Temporary Residence . The latest offering is from Mono, and the title is Travels In Constants (Vol. 22): The Phoenix Tree (2007). There’s only four tracks on the album, but that’s okay, I mean, seriously, each track is over 8 minutes in length. I even heard some vocals, something that was very foreign to me, because I had never heard singing in any of their material, but it still had the sweet ass rising epic guitar riffs that peak and valley at the right moments….[RIYL Explosions in the Sky, Godspeed You Black Emperor]
Mono-Gone [mp3]

By julio

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