Joanna Newsom
Red Rocks
If anybody was in their element at Red Rocks, it was Joanna Newsom. Her eyes lit up when she hit the stage. She seemed a bit overwhelmed. Her eyes grew to the size of half dollars, as if her eyes was unfolding before her eyes. It was quite inspiring. The night was a bit damp, the clouds were dark, the sun long gone, and her music soared to the top of the amphitheatre (how I know you ask, well the only ATM is at the top of Red Rocks, and it’s quite a trek). She was loving every minute of being on stage. There was no talking, bantering, and all eyes were glued to the front. I was surprised, I really didn’t know how the crowd would react. Her music translated perfectly and as the performance grew on, Joanna’s playful timidness disappeared and she looked ever so confident until the last note played on her harp. It was pretty surreal.

By julio

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