Julius Airwave-The City The Forest

[The City The Forest, Julius Airwave’s second full length, is a woven journey over and under the map’s surface…a needle threading a flat piece of cloth like a serpent seeking knowledge. ] Taken from their label SickRoom

How is that for some symbolic shit……Well, the fact that this album is being dropped by SickRoom, which coincidentally had their first showcase at SXSW, which I too coincidentally heard kicked ass, is brilliant. I love what SickRoom is doing right now with their avant-garde artists that they seem to be signing up as if there was somebody giving away snow cones at the flea market on a hot summer day….I tend to agree with the description from the album. The records as a whole does play like a voyage as illustrated on their album cover. From the sonic sound, heavy layering, wonderful production, and overall flow of the album demands attention, or at least a gander to their MySpace page. Their album will be dropped 05-08-07 via SickRoom, write that down.

Julius Airwave-Glory Glory[mp3]

Julius Airwave-Fuur[mp3]

By julio

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