Goes Cube
Larimer Lounge

I failed to read the blog post from Foreign Islands stating that they had canceled the rest of their tour and Goes Cube ended headlining the show last night. I showed up to what looked like a biker rally in the heyday of Sonny Barger and his crew of misfits… The transition music sounded like Mastadon and I felt out of place. My hair is short, I have zero tattoo’s, zero piercings, and my name isn’t one syllable. Okay, enough of the visualizations. The music from Goes Cube is a lot harder than their recorded material. There was probably 1100 decibels of absolute fiery oozing from the house speakers and I loved every minute of it…..RIYL PELICAN

By julio

2 thoughts on “”
  1. nice post! awesome to see these pics and to have had a blogger there last night.

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