National Buy Music Day #659

In an effort to promote kids buying records, whether it be at stores or online, today, we are commemorating Nation Buy Music Day. Some of the most relevant music releases of the year are today. Today’s National Day of Observance is brought to us by the letter X. In other news, tonight is the sold out
show, however, do not fret. You want to see Silversun Pickups, but you don’t want to pay $80 just to sit through Ok Go and Snow Patrol (aka Grey’s Anatomy official theme music). You answer will be found at Twist and Shout this evening where they will be having Silversun Pickups do an instore performance at 6pm. Be there or be square.

!!!-Must Be the Moon [mp3]

Air-Mer Du Japon [mp3]

Arcade Fire-Neon Bible [mp3]

The Photo Atlas-Light and Noise [mp3]

By julio

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