Dios Malos

I am a little upset with myself. I didn’t read the announcement about this show being an early one, so as a result I missed the Changes. On the upside, I made it in time for the beginning of a wonderful set by Dios Malos. The stars were finally aligned for me to see them. I have gone to two separate shows where they were the openers and had missed them both times. Not last night, I would not be denied a third time. They were in comedic form and very breezy. They didn’t portray any of their said rockstar ways, but they did play some unreleased material that I wasn’t familiar with, however, they say that it’s available via Soulseek. For the kids that decided to weather the frozen tundra like conditions, they were rewarded handsomely. After the guys were done tearin shit up, I wanted to yell out , “Puro Pinche Hawthorne!” but I think they would have kicked my ass.

Dios Malos-In Control of the OJ [mp3] (from their upcoming album Between the Tides)

By julio

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